About Me

We are a well established and well known nail salon within Klang. Other than providing professional nail care services, we are also an established nail academy center. We strive to provide our utmost professional service to all our customers. 我们是巴生其中一间最完善的美甲护理与教学中心。我们致力于提供最好及最新的美甲护理技术与顾客。我们在指甲教学方面也获得很好的成就,我们的美甲老师是美国Odyssey Nail Systems马来西亚承认的美甲老师。在8年的时间里培育了很多优良的美甲师。我们的学生无论是就业,创业都很有成就。 我们这里提供完善的指甲护理服务,包括手足护理,指甲延长, 新娘指甲设计等服务。我们每一次的服务都会确保给你们的指甲带来最佳的保护和美丽。 我们相信先有健康漂亮的指甲才能有美丽的指甲彩绘。。。 我们这里也提供专业的指甲文凭课程,确保每个学生毕业以后能有足够的信心和能力去为顾客服务。我们相信经验需要累计,可是我们更相信良好,稳定的基础与指甲知识能带给你们更大的就业机会及能力。 欢迎来电或电邮询问详情。。。 6012-6028700

We Can Train You To Salon Success Even Till Competition Level!!!!

We belive that a beautiful nail wouldn't come with accident. We will only sharing you the correct nail knowledge and the technique to all the student during the class. Our educator always travel around the world to upgrade herself and share the knowledge to all the student. We not only teaching you the skill doing nail but also the business mind set and the way you runnng a salon. If you like competition we will Train you too!!!

Join Us now!!! Many of successful result around the area. Why till waiting?

Call us now 012-6028700

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Triangel Babes at ONS International Exam Dec 2013

每一年我们都有好些学生参加这个国际性的美甲考试。Odyssey Nail System(ONS)所得到的文凭是受全球包括美国,日本,韩国,澳洲,马来西亚,新加坡等36个国家承认的哦。本学院的讲师也是当天的考官之一,与其他10多位专业的ONS讲师一起监考哦。除了当天技术评定,同学还接受美甲知识的笔试,并且成交彩绘功课。ONS非常注重并且确保你是有技术,知识和技巧的一个全面的美甲课程。 如果你们有兴趣欢迎你们来电查询:)
Every year, we have students attending the Odyssey Nail System (ONS) international nail exam. ONS certification is recognized worldwide by 36 countries which includes USA, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Singapore, Australia & etc. Our very own educator from Triangel Nail Salon & Academy, Ms Yinnie Ong is also one of the judging panels for the international nail exam this year. She joins more than 10 judges in making sure that the quality of the certification and examination are kept at its highest standard. During the exam day, each student needs to go through both practical test and theory test. They will also each need to summit their nail art assignment separately which have been informed before hand. ONS courses stresses the importance on nail techniques, skills and theories which will give you a complete understanding to perform your nail service professionally. Give us a call for more info on ONS international certification =)  
Exam in progress!!! Fighting! Fighting !!!!
Student Nail Art Assignment

Practical Test~~ French!!! 2 acrylic french, 2 Gel French and one French twist~~
我们学院的YINNE 老师在评分。
Our very own educator, Ms Yinnie Ong during the judging session~~
终于考完啦~~~开心!!! 赶快来个全家照@.@
Wow~~~ after the exam, group photo with all the judges and students~~
Congratulation to all Triangel Babes.. Finally finish all exam~~ Wish you all the best~~~

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