About Me

We are a well established and well known nail salon within Klang. Other than providing professional nail care services, we are also an established nail academy center. We strive to provide our utmost professional service to all our customers. 我们是巴生其中一间最完善的美甲护理与教学中心。我们致力于提供最好及最新的美甲护理技术与顾客。我们在指甲教学方面也获得很好的成就,我们的美甲老师是美国Odyssey Nail Systems马来西亚承认的美甲老师。在8年的时间里培育了很多优良的美甲师。我们的学生无论是就业,创业都很有成就。 我们这里提供完善的指甲护理服务,包括手足护理,指甲延长, 新娘指甲设计等服务。我们每一次的服务都会确保给你们的指甲带来最佳的保护和美丽。 我们相信先有健康漂亮的指甲才能有美丽的指甲彩绘。。。 我们这里也提供专业的指甲文凭课程,确保每个学生毕业以后能有足够的信心和能力去为顾客服务。我们相信经验需要累计,可是我们更相信良好,稳定的基础与指甲知识能带给你们更大的就业机会及能力。 欢迎来电或电邮询问详情。。。 6012-6028700

We Can Train You To Salon Success Even Till Competition Level!!!!

We belive that a beautiful nail wouldn't come with accident. We will only sharing you the correct nail knowledge and the technique to all the student during the class. Our educator always travel around the world to upgrade herself and share the knowledge to all the student. We not only teaching you the skill doing nail but also the business mind set and the way you runnng a salon. If you like competition we will Train you too!!!

Join Us now!!! Many of successful result around the area. Why till waiting?

Call us now 012-6028700

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

1月23-24日,2016。韩国第10局Global Nail Cup (GNC杯)!!! 23RD-24TH JANUARY 2016 KOREA 10TH GLOBAL NAIL CUP!!!

January 23rh-24th, Korea 10th Global Nail Cup! Judges introduction~

Master Trang giving his speech!

比赛进行中!Ann Li 在team relay 接力赛充当第3棒,努力中~ yinnie老师当abbie的临时模特哈哈~
Competition in progress! Ann Li competing in Team relay as 3rd participant, good luck! While Teacher Yinnie became Abbie's last minute model in French Sculpture~ lol~

恭喜Ann Li在平面手绘中获得Div 1冠军! 
Congrats to Ann Li for sweeping the Acrylic Flat art Handpaint Category, Div 1, Champion!!

Ashley 则在学生组平面手绘,冠军!Ashley 不能出席,由Yinnie老师带领呢~
Ashley is the Champion for Acrylic Flat art Handpaint, student category!!

Jennifer老师也是平面手绘Div 2中获得冠军!
Jennifer also took the Acrylic Flat art Handpaint Div 2 category, Champion too!!!

Thus, Triangel babe sweep the floor in the flat art hand paint category,  Champion for all 3 division!! Congrats!!!


恭喜来自Triangel 的 Abbie 和 AnnLi获得导师的认证!

After the competition Odyssey had an annual dinner which they appoint new Educators as well as giving out awards to high achievers. Congrats to all! Odyssey have a knack for coaching the best educators~

Congratulation to Triangel Babe Abbie and Ann Li for being the new Educators!

New Educators taking photos with their educator, Yinnie teacher and senior Jennifer teacher!

It's not easy to get this "O" uniform! Finally got it! Kudos! All the best for the days to come and be better everyday!

和台湾及新加坡的’家人‘一家亲大合照!大马帮这次满载而归呢,几乎都有得奖呢,感到非常的荣幸,因为韩国竞争力很强,奖杯十分难拿!所以我们大马帮做的非常的棒,都得到很不错的成绩!Malaysia Boleh!!
having a photoshoot with Taiwan and Singapore 'family'! Malaysia team did really well this time, with a majority going home with a trophy, we felt so honoured as Korean cup is not easy to win! So they really did an amazing job! Malaysia Boleh!!

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